THE 25th Students' council!!!!Part of a history, Flash of a memory... So long AJ 25th SC....
Just wanna really keep it safe in my memories.... haha.. So, on the 23 july 2009, its our farewell, its our destiny...
The person Who Took me throughout my WHOLE TERM OF OFFICE!!!!
Mr Ng Hock Soon. A wonderful teacher/friend and mentor
The person who smiles no matter what happens and gives you all the warmth you need..
Ms Zhu!!! A awesome teacher/friend/mentor
Mr Ng Hong Peng, I really dont know why I TEARED when I see you crying... Lol. its just natural... anyway, Funny and interesting fellow who took care of me during my council term.
A perfect teacher/mentor/Friend
sorry, picture was teary itself...=0
Just wanted to thank some people who made a difference to me!!=)
Mr koh yi hui/VP- always there for me

Mr Chong Chee YEE- smile is always on ur face.=) lighten my day

Mr Ngiam zhen wei- funny fellow!!!=)

Ah... haha.. a bit auntie.. hahah!!!! Weixuan!=)

SZEWEI!!!=) lame and interesting fellow...=) and thats our code sign...XXD

Ms PRESIDENT!!!! under you for all adhoc was wonderful... Thanks for ur guidance!!!=)

HAHa. now, i agree you look like dinosaur!!! haha but dont worry, its a cute dinosaur!=)

HAHA! both of us look retarded but thats kinda how we two always behave when we are together.. haha a bit wrong.. haha

Ms fong Li Chu, My cg mate..... hahah=) joker also!=)

HAHA! a bit auntie oso! but really funny talking to her! yo! OBS MATE!=)

My dear EC games IC who brainstorm with me like crazy!!! but it was worthwhile...

HAHA, always there to cheer people up!

First person to thank for perfect start in my council term!!! thanks a lot!
The person who taught me piano!!! haha, I enjoyed working with you HSE CAPT!!!

The lame of the lame of lame girl- haha, funny person!!!

Perfect person to joke with anytime anywhere!!

Such a long time ago. Yet it just flew past. We will rise to the occasion as the 25th again. Its our strength and ability. As one, we are individuals, but together we still make an individual, unique kind of the world. Its the bond, and eternal bond....

It will be long before it comes to life again. but the sure thing is it will....